Master Class 2023

🇨🇦 $149.00


Sports injuries are commonplace in rehab clinics. Weekend warriors tend to be the most common patients showing up on Monday mornings, however these injuries also occur when sports are started up in the year like golf or tennis as well as regular and elite athletes. Adding photobiomodulation therapy to your treatment regime will improve your clinical outcomes and most importantly will get the athlete back playing their sport much faster.


BIOFLEX director of clinical research, Dr. Randy Santiago has been overseeing a pilot clinical trial on PCS and PBMT. He will share current published research and his own clinical insight with using BIOFLEX laser therapy to manage PCS patients. Several case studies will be presented along with protocol development, customizing parameters and a practical workshop offering takeaway clinical pearls that you can incorporate into your BIOFLEX practice.

Fan favourite, Dr. Ben Yuen from Halifax Nova Scotia will return and lecture on sports injury case studies as well as lead a practical session on his most effective protocols for acute injuries and accelerated healing of soft tissues and fractures.

Please join these and many other expert speakers for a unique opportunity to listen and interact live with leading experts in photobiomodulation and sports injuries in an all-day dynamic discussion. Stay tuned for a complete list of speakers and topics over the next few weeks.

This event will be hosted live in-person at the beautiful Kingbridge Centre in King City just north of the GTA on Saturday July 08, 2023.

Keynote Speakers

  • Ben Yuen, DC, Private Practice Nova Scotia – Back On Track After ACL & Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Ronaldo Santiago, MD, BIOFLEX Clinical Researcher – PBMT for treating Post-Concussion Syndrome
  • David Kunashko, DC, BIOFLEX Medical Director – The Dreaded Ligament Sprain
  • Slava Kim, Director of Medical Operations – Case Studies From Meditech’s Vault
  • David Barker, RMT, Private Practice – Kingston ON – Wrist Fracture & Post-Surgery ACL Recovery

CEUs: 6.0 hours (where applicable

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