Master Class 2022

🇨🇦 $149.00


Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) continues to rapidly evolve as an effective non-invasive light-based therapy that targets the source of injuries and many diseases.


Endre Mester, a Hungarian medical doctor pioneered the therapeutic use of low powered lasers for healing wounds and other conditions in the 1960s. Dr. Mester was the first to observe that light not only had a direct therapeutic effect on cells and tissues but also had remote or systemic benefits on adjacent tissues that did not directly absorb light. Most PBMT research focuses on the direct healing benefits where light is absorbed by affected tissues. Recent positive clinical results on neurological and other conditions not directly accessible to light has put the spotlight on the remote effects of PBMT. One such benefit of remote PBMT is encouraging neuroplasticity which may assist in reducing symptoms and recovery from conditions like post-concussion syndrome and neurodegenerative and other diseases and injuries.

The recent passing of BIOFLEX founder Dr. Fred Kahn has left a legacy of his pioneering clinical and research success in low intensity laser therapy now known as photobiomodulation therapy that highlighted these aforementioned positiveremote effects onneuroplasticity and neurological conditions.BIOFLEX welcomes Dr. Norman Doidge, psychiatrist, neuroplasticity expert and NY Times bestseller for an in-depth interview and discussion on neuroplasticity and the therapies that may benefit patients recovering from neurological injuries and diseasesincluding BIOFLEX Laser Therapy.

BIOFLEX practitioner and clinical neurologist Dr. Ashleigh Bhanjan (Life Entabeni Hospital, Durban) is pioneering the use of BioFlex PBMT in South Africa for neurological conditions and will update us on his clinical successes related to transcranial PBMT and its role in neuroinflammation. Other keynote speakers include Dr. Daniel Johnstone (Sydney, Australia) who will present his latest research on remote photobiomodulation and Dr. Ryan D’Arcy, neuroscientist at Simon Fraser University who will discuss concussions and recovery from brain injuries.


  • Norman Doidge, MD, FRCPC, Author of The Brain That Changes Itself & The Brain’s Way of Healing – Interview and insight into neuroplasticity
  • Ashleigh Bhanjan, MbBch, FC Neurol (SA), CIME, Clinical Neurologist, Durban South Africa – Transcranial PBMT & It’s Role In Neuroinflammation & Related Neurological Disorders: A Clinical Approach
  • Daniel Johnstone, Ph.D., University of Sydney, Dept. of Physiology – Remote photobiomodulation – harnessing the indirect protective effects of light
  • Ryan D’Arcy, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, Simon Fraser University – Pushing the limits in sensitivity to concussion and recovery from brain injury
  • Ronaldo Santiago, MD, BIOFLEX Clinical Researcher – Review of current clinical research trials using BIOFLEX
  • Ben Yuen, DC, Halifax – BIOFLEX Case Studies Emphasizing Protocol Development
  • Slava Kim, MD & Nathan Cheung DC, Meditech Clinic Directors – Case Studies Emphasizing Protocol Development
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