All things are possible with Bioflex

7 years ago I was involved in a car accident that left me clinically disabled. C3 to C7 where compressed bulging and herniated. T 1- 7 same including spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, degenerate disk disease and L 4 fracture. Through 5 years of being examined by some of the top specialists in their field left me with the same answer, Surgery! I opted out then of coarse they begin to prescribe a series of pain meds which almost took my life. Thankfully I was fortunate to meet Jeffery from parkwood physo whom began to treat me for 3 months with thr bioflex. My recovery was beyond Jeffery’s expectation and mine I decide to purchase one of my own. To the entire staff at biolfex, My deepest gratitude for your commitment and skill allowing a broken man as I once was to get back up and enjoy life again. Dr khan there are no words I can express for your dedication and long hours you have invested over 3 decades which has allowed many of us to live again pain free. May God continue to bless you with a long and healthy life. Peace and good will to all.
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